
2020年2月28日—WiiUGamepad:Onthegamepad,youcansteerwiththeD-padorleftanalogstick,oryoucanusemotioncontrols.·WiiUProController/Wii ...,2017年4月30日—MarioKart8supportsavarietyofcontrolschemes,includingtheWiiUGamePad,theWiiUProController,theWiiWheelandtheWiiRemote ...,WouldyouliketoplaylikeaPRO?Wouldyouliketogettonsofresources?Withourunofficialgameguidewecanteachyouhowtomasterthegame!Doyouwant .....

Answers to Common Questions About Mario Kart 8

2020年2月28日 — Wii U Gamepad: On the gamepad, you can steer with the D-pad or left analog stick, or you can use motion controls. · Wii U Pro Controller / Wii ...

Controls and Techniques

2017年4月30日 — Mario Kart 8 supports a variety of control schemes, including the Wii U GamePad, the Wii U Pro Controller, the Wii Wheel and the Wii Remote ...

Mario Kart 8, Deluxe, Wii U, 3DS, Characters, Unlockables ...

Would you like to play like a PRO? Would you like to get tons of resources? With our unofficial game guide we can teach you how to master the game! Do you want ...

Use two pro controllers in Mario Kart 8?

2015年3月25日 — I am not sure if I understand you correctly but you can play Mario Kart 8 with up to 4 pro controllers. You don't have to use the gamepad.

What is your favorite controller for Mario Kart 8?

2016年2月18日 — The HORI Battlepad is a Wii Classic controller while the ProCube is a Wii U Pro Controller, so it doesn't need a Wii Remote. It can't be ...

Wii U Mario Kart 8 set white

製造商停產: 否; 包裹尺寸: 35.2 x 29.6 x 12.4 英吋; 2.5 公克; 電池: 2 CR2 需要電池。 首度推出日: 十月21, 2014; ASIN: B00OJYFVNY; 平均客戶評論: 4.3 4.3 顆星, ...